Dentition and



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Upper Dentition

94 dental reduction  ;  0 teeth present 1 atrophied 2 baleen,
95 incisor enamel  ;  0 covers tooth 1 anterior band 2 abs-tip only,
96 number of incisors;  0 none 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five,
97 posterior premaxillary diastema  ;  0 small-abs 1 large gap,
98 incisor growth ;  0 crown-root junction 1 hypsodont,
99 tooth replacement ;  0 antemolars 1 last premolar only 2 uncalcified 3 continuous,
100 canine growth ;  0 determinate 1 hypsodont,
101 cheektooth enamel ;  0 present 1 atrophied,
102 cheektooth orientation  ;  0 parallel 1 V-shaped,
103 cheektooth growth  ;  0 crown-root suture 1 hypsodont,
104 upper P3  ;  0 pres 1 abs,
105 P3 crown ;  0 mediolaterally compressed 1 prominent lingual cusp(s),
106 P4 crown ;  0 mediolaterally compressed 1 prominent lingual cusp(s),
107 metacone ;  0 present 1 absent,
108 protocone ;  0 present 1 absent,
109 molar ectoloph  ;  0 unconnected 1 pi shaped,
110 stylar shelf ;  0 broad 1 narrow,
111 molar shearing ;  0 multilocus 1 carnassial,


112 mandible ;  0 robust 1 threadlike,
113 condyle height  ;  0 at toothrow 1 above toothrow,
114 coronoid shape  ;  0 large 1 reduced,
115 coronoid position  ;  0 superior condyle 1 inferior condyle,
116 jaw angle  ;  0 narrow 1 medial inflection,
117 symphysis-fusion  ;  0 unfused 1 fused,
118 symphysis-length  ;  0 anteroposteriorly narrow 1 >30% dentary length,
119 symphysis-ventral lip  ;  0 absent 1 anteroventral lip,

Lower Dentition

120 lower m3 presence ;  0 present 1 absent,
121 talonid basin  ;  0 present 1 reduced,