Axial skeleton
cervical centra length ; 0 > 2x thoracic 1 similar
thoracic 2 anteroposteriorly compressed,
123 C2 odontoid ;
0 present 1 reduced,
124 C2 odontoid shape
; 0 broad 1 narrow-pointed,
125 C3-7 spinous
processes ; 0 present 1 reduced,
126 ventrum of sternum
; 0 flat 1 keeled,
127 sternal ribs
; 0 unossified 1 ossified,
128 clavicle ; 0
elongate 1 stout 2 absent,
129 dorsum proximal ribs ; 0
round 1 flattened,
130 intervertebral articulations ;
0 nomarthrous 1 xenarthrous,
131 T5-T9 spinous
processes ; 0 present 1 reduced,
Pectoral girdle and forelimb
scapular shape
; 0 craniocaudally long 1 mediolaterall long 2 mediolaterally
long and narrow,
133 scapular coracoid
; 0 reduced 1 ventral glenoid 2
anterior glenoid,
134 radius-humerus
ratio ; 0 similar 1 radius longer,
135 humeral head ; 0
below tuberosity 1 even tuberosity 2 superior
136 humeral supinator ridge ; 0
present 1 reduced,
137 entepicond foramen ; 0
present 1 absent,
138 olecranon fossa ; 0
solid 1 fenestrated,
139 medial epicondyle ; 0
reduced 1 present 2 elongate,
140 distal humerus; 0
cylindrical 1 V-shaped troch,
141 proximal radius
; 0 capitulum 1 trochlea and capitulum,
142 proximal ulna ; 0 single
surface 1 notched for radius,
143 ulnar olec ; 0
olec-humeral artic 1 reduced olecranon,
144 distal ulna; 0 no
carpal articulation 1 carpal articulation,
145 ulna-radius shaft
; 0 separate 1 fused,
146 distal radius-ulna
; 0 separate 1 fused,
147 metacarpal length
; 0 much shorter forearm 1 >=33%
148 carpal arrangement
; 0 alternating 1 no lunar-unciform articulation
149 scaphoid-lunate ; 0 separate 1
150 3rd phalanx 2nd digit
; 0 ossified 1 unossified,
151 terminal phalanx shape
; 0 ML narrow 1 ML broad,
152 phalanx number
; 0 <= three 1 > three,
Pelvic girdle
153 sacral
vertebrae ; 0 <= four 1 > four,
154 pubic symphysis ; 0
broad 1 reduced,
155 ilium ; 0
narrow 1 dorsal process,
156 ischial notch ; 0 open
1 closed,
157 sacral-ilium
articulation ; 0 present 1 absent,
158 anterior process pubis
; 0 absent 1 present,
159 epipubic bones ; 0
present 1 absent,
160 caudal vertebrae ; 0 elongate 1