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Axial skeleton

Pectoral girdle and forelimb

132 scapular shape ;  0 craniocaudally long 1 mediolaterall long 2 mediolaterally long and narrow,
133 scapular coracoid  ;  0 reduced 1 ventral glenoid 2 anterior glenoid,
134 radius-humerus ratio  ;  0 similar 1 radius longer,
135 humeral head ;  0 below tuberosity 1 even tuberosity 2 superior tuberosity,
136 humeral supinator ridge ;  0 present 1 reduced,
137 entepicond foramen ;  0 present 1 absent,
138 olecranon fossa ;  0 solid 1 fenestrated,
139 medial epicondyle ;  0 reduced 1 present 2 elongate,
140 distal humerus;  0 cylindrical 1 V-shaped troch,
141 proximal radius  ;  0 capitulum 1 trochlea and capitulum,
142 proximal ulna  ;  0 single surface 1 notched for radius,
143 ulnar olec ;  0 olec-humeral artic 1 reduced olecranon,
144 distal ulna;  0 no carpal articulation 1 carpal articulation,
145 ulna-radius shaft  ;  0 separate 1 fused,
146 distal radius-ulna  ;  0 separate 1 fused,
147 metacarpal length  ;  0 much shorter forearm 1 >=33% forearm,
148 carpal arrangement ;  0 alternating 1 no lunar-unciform articulation
149 scaphoid-lunate ;  0 separate 1 fused,
150 3rd phalanx 2nd digit ;  0 ossified 1 unossified,
151 terminal phalanx shape  ;  0 ML narrow 1 ML broad,
152 phalanx number  ;  0 <= three 1 > three,

Pelvic girdle

153 sacral vertebrae ;  0 <= four 1 > four,
154 pubic symphysis ;  0 broad 1 reduced,
155 ilium  ;  0 narrow 1 dorsal process,
156 ischial notch ;  0 open 1 closed,
157 sacral-ilium articulation   ;  0 present 1 absent,
158 anterior process pubis  ;  0 absent 1 present,
159 epipubic bones ;  0 present 1 absent,
160 caudal vertebrae ;  0 elongate 1 reduced,


161 femoral fovea capitis ;  0 central 1 marginal 2 indistinct,
162 femoral neck  ;  0 present head medial shaft 1 absent head above shaft,
163 third femoral trochanter;  0 proximal 1 midshaft 2 reduced,
164 medial trochanteric ridge  ;  0 even 1 enlarged,
165 distal tibia-fibula ;  0 unfused 1 fused,
166 fibular ossification ;  0 ossified 1 incomplete,
167 fibula-calcaneus ;  0 articulation 1 facet small-absent,
168 peroneal process ;  0 blunt 1 large,
169 dorsum astragalus  ;  0 flat 1 trochlea,
170 Sustentacular facet ;  0 separate 1 contact distal astragalus,
171 astragalar cotylar fossa;  0 abs 1 pres,
172 astragalar posteromedial process  ;  0 small or abs 1 prominent,
173 astragalar navicular facet  ;  0 convex 1 saddle 2 trochlea 3 concave,
174 calcaneal facet of astragalus ;  0 plantar 1 lateral,
175 astragalar cuboid contact ;  0 reduced contact 1 contact,
176 proximal cuboid  ;  0 flat 1 stepped,
177 calcar ;  0 absent 1 uropatagial spur 2 calcaneal tuber,
178 pedal digital ray 1  ;  0 weight bearing 1 reduced,
179 pedal digital ray 2  ;  0 weight bearing 1 reduced,
180 pedal digital ray 3  ;  0 weight bearing 1 reduced,
181 pedal digital ray 4  ;  0 weight bearing 1 reduced,
182 pedal digital ray 5  ;  0 weight bearing 1 reduced,
183 1st metatarsal  ;  0 as other digits 1 opposable,
184 metatarsal length  ;  0 shorter tibia 1 approach 50% tibia,
185 hallux proximal phalanx ;  0 as other digits 1 elongate