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Middle Ear

1 stapes obturator foramen  ;  0 large 1 small-abs,
2 petrosal-squamosal joint  ;  0 flat 1 ball-socket 2 minimal contact 3 tubular,
3 squamosal external auditory meatus (EAM) ;  0 no approximation ventral EAM 1 squamosal ventral EAM,
4 fenestra cochleae ;  0 present 1 absent,
5 fenestra cochleae orientation  ;  0 posterolat 1 posterior,
6 jugular foramen  ;  0 similar fenestr coch 1 larger fenestr coch,
7 crista interfenestralis  ;  0 abs 1 pres,
8 width basal cochlea  ;  0 <20% basicran width 1 >20% basicran width,
9 anterior promontory  ;  0 anteriorly smooth 1 projects,
10 petrosal canals ;  0 absent 1 present,
11 transpromontorial sulcus ;  0 pres 1 abs,
12 stapedial sulcus  ;  0 pres 1 abs,
13 piriform fenestra ;  0 absent 1 present,
14 petrosal pachyostosis  ;  0 light 1 dense,
15 tegmen tympani pneumatization ;  0 laminar 1 air cells,
16 mastoid pneumatization ;  0 laminar 1 air cells,
17 tegmen tympani process ;  0 flat 1 projects,
18 epitympanic recess ;  0 continuous middle ear 1 separate,
19 basisphenoid bulla ;  0 reduced 1 present,
20 alisphenoid bulla ;  0 reduced 1 present,
21 basioccipital bulla  ;  0 absent 1 shields bulla medially,
22 caudal tympanic process petrosal;  0 reduced 1 shields posterior bulla,
23 rostral tympanic process petrosal;  0 reduced 1 present,
24 ectotympanic;  0 phaneric 1 occluded,
25 ectotympanic shape;  0 ringlike 1 expanded,
26 ectotymanic involucrum;  0 abs 1 pres,
27 external auditory meatus shape  ;  0 ovoid 1 ventral extension,
28 tympanic annulus ;  0 supports membrane 1 conical ligament,
29 entotympanic  ;  0 small-abs 1 present,


30 mastoid exposure  ;  0 exposed 1 occluded,
31 petromastoid exposure   ;  0 posterior 1 lateral,
32 foramen ovale ;  0 within alisph 1 post alisph 2 squamosal,
33 alisphenoid canal   ;  0 present 1 absent,
34 alisphenoid canal position ;  0 lateral sphenorbital fissure 1 confluent sphenorbital fissure,
35 maxilla-squamosal connection  ;  0 unconnected 1 connected ventral sphenorbital fissure
36 ectopterygoid  ;  0 single 1 dual,
37 basisphenoid pit ;  0 absent 1 present,
38 posterior lacerate foramen  ;  0 narrow 1 anteroposteriorly elongate,
39 hypoglossal foramen ;  0 abs 1 single 2 multiple,
40 ventral basisphenoid  ;  0 exposed 1 covered by vomer 2 covered by pterygoids,


41 petromastoid exposure in braincase  ;  0 exposed 1 excluded,
42 subarcuate fossa ;  0 present 1 flat 2 semicircular canals reduced,
43 dorsum subarcute fossa  ;  0 closed 1 open,
44 tentorium cerebelli   ;  0 absent 1 divides braincase,
45 sinus canal  ;  0 absent 1 present,
46 dorsum sellae ;  0 weak 1 prominent,
47 crista galli   ;  0 flat 1 dorsally projects 2 cribriform plate abs,

Orbitotemoporal Region

48 foramen rotundum ;  0 confluent sphenorbital fissure 1 distinct sphenorbital fissure,
49 alisphenoid spine  ;  0 flat 1 anteriorly projects,
50 optic foramen;  0 absent 1 distinct,
51 optic foramen size   ;  0 caliber as V 1 caliber smaller V,
52 suboptic foramen  ;  0 absent-hidden 1 present,
53 interorbital fenestra  ;  0 absent 1 connects orbits,
54 ethmoid foramen ;  0 present 1 absent,
55 tuber maxillaris  ;  0 absent 1 dorsal ridge in orbit,
56 Glenoid pos  ;  0 even petrosal 1 dorsal petrosal,
57 glenoid shape   ;  0 transverse 1 anteroposteriorly elongate 2 dual,
58 postglenoid foramen  ;  0 separate glenoid 1 at glenoid,
59 postglenoid process  ;  0 absent 1 present 2 pres-AP,
60 ento-postglenoid processes  ;  0 separate 1 connected,
61 entoglenoid process  ;  0 no-lat jaw support 1 post support,
62 zygomatic arch ;  0 complete 1 incomplete 2 squamosal-frontal,
63 jugal in glenoid ;  0 reaches glenoid 1 reduced anterior to glenoid,
64 anterior jugal ;  0 anterior edge orbit 1 lateral orbit,
65 zygomatic process squamosal ;  0 robust dorsolaterally 1 narrow laterally,
66 postorbital bar ;  0 reduced 1 surrounds 90% orbit,
67 postorb septum ;  0 absent 1 jugal-alisphenoid contact,
68 interorbital distance  ;  0 separate 1 convergent,
69 facial lacrimal process  ;  0 <= orbital process 1 large facial process,
70 orbital lacrimal process ;  0 flat 1 projects into orbit,
71 lacrimal foramen  ;  0 present, 1 not exposed anterior orbit,
72 lacrimal foramen opening ;  0 posterior 1 lateral,
73 frontal in orbit ;  0 reduced contact palatine 1 broad contact palatine,
74 jugal in medial orbit  ;  0 jugal restricted 1 jugal-parietal contact,
75 maxilla in medial orbit  ;  0 reduced 1 extensive,


76 premaxilla-frontal contact ;  0 absent 1 present 2 present over maxilla,
77 anterior nasals  ;  0 fused with premaxilla 1 projecting,
78 posterior nasals  ;  0 tapered 1 broad 2 horns,

79 metopic suture  ;  0 unfused 1 fused,
80 maxilla medial to zygoma  ;  0 solid 1 fenestrated 2 trabeculated,
81 infraorbital canal length  ;  0 long 1 short,
82 infraorbital canal anterior foramen  ;  0 small 1 similar ext nares,
83 orbit position to alveolar maxilla ;  0 anterior 1 dorsal 2 posterior,
84 external nares ;  0 anterior rostrum 1 dorsal cheek teeth 2 posterior rostrum,


85 postpalate spine  ;  0 flat 1 prominent,
86 posterior hard palate to toothrow  ;  0 posterior 1 even 2 anterior,
87 palatal notch  ;  0 closed medial M3 1 open medial M3,
88 posteroventral maxilla ;  0 at toothrow 1 posterior toothrow ventrum pterygoid,
89 palatal premaxilla exposure ;  0 abs-alveoli only 1 small 2 half palate,
90 incisive foramen presence;  0 present 1 absent,
91 incisive foramen number ;  0 dual opening palate 1 single opening palate,
92 incisive foramen shape  ;  0 oval 1 elongate,
93 palatine fenestrae  ;  0 solid 1 posterior 2 anterior